Ironman Gdynia: kėlionė link kėlionės į Havajus (1 dalis)

Ką tik po finišo - džiaugiuosi, kad pavyko atiduoti viską, ką tą dieną turėjau savyje. Prieš ar po ašarų - nepamenu, pamenu, kad paleido akis tik Kas vyko ir kas buvo suplanuota. Šiais metais "pasileidau plaukus" ir įgyvendinau vieną pokytį po kito ir visi jie vyko labai nuosekliai, labai trumpam laiko tarpe. Lietingą balandžio dieną …

Continue reading Ironman Gdynia: kėlionė link kėlionės į Havajus (1 dalis)

Ironman Italy 2018 Part 1: of jellyfish and warm waters.

Welcome to Ironman Emilia-Romagna, I will be your guide. Suddenly I start to feel like an object, depersonalized - standing on the shore, in a perimeter created with railings. All around me are others, myself - us. Us, people who have spent the last year training, planning, pushing our own limits mentally, physically and all …

Continue reading Ironman Italy 2018 Part 1: of jellyfish and warm waters.

Ironman 70.3 Finland: Kelias į pasaulio čempionatą.

Prieš varžybas: Varžybos vyksta Suomijoje, aplink Lahti miestą ir jo vietovę. Pagrindinė šių būtent varžybų pusės-Ironman pažiba buvo tai, jog jos vyksta per poliarinę naktį - tai reiškia, kad pačios varžybos prasideda gan vėlai, o paskutiniai finišuojantys kirstų finišo tiesiąją su naktine šviesa, arba net šviesoje. Dažniausiai varžybos prasideda 6 - 7 ryto ir priklausomai …

Continue reading Ironman 70.3 Finland: Kelias į pasaulio čempionatą.

Ironman 70.3 Finland: Road to World Championship

Pre-race: The race was happening in Finland, Lahti region. The selling point of this particular 70.3 Ironman event was that you race through "polar night" - meaning that we would start pretty late and the last finisher would still cross the finish line with bright sky. Usually races start as early as 06 - 07 …

Continue reading Ironman 70.3 Finland: Road to World Championship

Canarification: Triathlete Diary part 4.

Weekly Wrap. Week 13 Week 13 was one of more mellow weeks I had during March. Especially when considering that this week started off on a rest day and who does not like rest days? Only recently I have noticed that due to the way my training weeks are structured, where I am often doing …

Continue reading Canarification: Triathlete Diary part 4.

Canarification: Triathlete’s Camp Diary part 3.

Weekly Wrap. Week 12 I came into this week after a failure to withstand an indoor bike session of 3 hours. This built up a premise, which haunts me till this day - where I am afraid of the long bike sessions and bike in general. Week started off easily with a rest day after …

Continue reading Canarification: Triathlete’s Camp Diary part 3.

Canarification: Triathlete’s Camp Diary part 2.

Weekly Wrap. Week 11. Journey back home from Lanzarote takes a lot of time, some transfer flights, stays somewhere in between. It almost took me a full day, to travel to Vilnius. I had left Lanzarote on Saturday midday, finishing the camp with a long run alongside my tri-friend, Finbarr. I first flew to Barcelona, …

Continue reading Canarification: Triathlete’s Camp Diary part 2.